Manitoba Orienteering Association

2014 Results

St. Malo Snow-O - March 15

Thomas Graupner

Score O - 90 Minutes
(Total points: 200, Early: +0.5%/min, Late: -5.0%/min)

  Category Time Points Score
1 Steven Graupner Skiing 56:28 200 233.53
2 Sebastien Kerherve Running 64:26 200 225.57
3 Rhéal Poirier Snowshoeing 70:07 200 219.88
4 Dave Graupner Running 81:32 200 208.47
5 Kelly Egilson Skiing 82:06 200 207.90
6 Gilles Ferrand Snowshoeing 89:33 180 180.41
7 Reine-Marie Guillermic Snowshoeing 83:31 160 165.19
8 Gail Emery Running 80:38 90 94.22
9 Edward Willmott Running 80:52 90 94.11
10 Doris Nelson Skiing 28:19 20 26.17
11 Vern Nelson Skiing 108:11 200 18.17
12 Dan Chevrier Running 17:38 10 13.62

Thanks to Steven for helping pick up controls.

Pictures have been posted in the following Flickr set:

Lost and Found: If you left behind a black hat, please contact the event organizer ( or 204-347-5764).


Split time results

 1  Steven Graupner             1       2       3       4       6       5       8       7      20      19      18      17      16      13      14      15      12      11      10       9       F                   
    (233.53)                 1:20    3:53    6:11    7:59    9:43   12:00   14:21   16:27   19:25   22:39   24:41   29:28   30:59   36:34   38:19   40:55   45:16   47:57   51:37   51:13   56:28                   
                             1:20    2:33    2:18    1:48    1:44    2:17    2:21    2:06    2:58    3:14    2:02    4:47    1:31    5:35    1:45    2:36    4:21    2:41    3:40   -0:24    5:15                   
 2  Sebastien Kerherve          1       6       4       2       9      10      11      12       3      15      14      13      16      17      18      19      20       7       8       5       F                   
    (225.57)                 0:41    2:24    4:48    7:42   12:03   16:22   17:46   20:18   22:39   27:27   29:44   31:18   33:00   37:01   41:28   44:33   49:34   52:14   56:37   61:19   64:26                   
                             0:41    1:43    2:24    2:54    4:21    4:19    1:24    2:32    2:21    4:48    2:17    1:34    1:42    4:01    4:27    3:05    5:01    2:40    4:23    4:42    3:07                   
 3  Rhéal Poirier               1       6       4       5       8       7      20      19      18      17      16      13      14      15       3      12      11      10       9       2       4       6       1       F
    (219.88)                 0:54    3:14    5:56    8:25   12:31   15:10   20:57   24:05   26:03   32:27   33:49   40:21   41:45   43:41   46:00   49:18   51:52   56:42   58:45   63:05   66:50   67:12   69:13   70:07
                             0:54    2:20    2:42    2:29    4:06    2:39    5:47    3:08    1:58    6:24    1:22    6:32    1:24    1:56    2:19    3:18    2:34    4:50    2:03    4:20    3:45    0:22    2:01    0:54
 4  Dave Graupner               9      10      11      12       3      15      14      13      16      17      19      18      20       7       8       5       6       4       2       1       F                   
    (208.47)                 6:50   11:49   14:27   18:11   23:09   26:43   29:34   31:33   34:36   39:12   43:28   46:39   56:03   60:01   63:29   67:20   69:58   72:56   76:21   80:03   81:32                   
                             6:50    4:59    2:38    3:44    4:58    3:34    2:51    1:59    3:03    4:36    4:16    3:11    9:24    3:58    3:28    3:51    2:38    2:58    3:25    3:42    1:29                   
 5  Kelly Egilson               1       6       5       8       7      20      19      18      17      16      15      13      14      11      10       9      12       3       4       2       F                   
    (207.90)                 1:18    3:48    8:15   14:44   17:46   21:48   24:39   26:39   35:05   35:46   42:15   44:27   46:01   50:49   55:13   58:00   67:10   70:36   76:12   78:41   82:06                   
                             1:18    2:30    4:27    6:29    3:02    4:02    2:51    2:00    8:26    0:41    6:29    2:12    1:34    4:48    4:24    2:47    9:10    3:26    5:36    2:29    3:25                   
 6  Gilles Ferrand              1       6       5       8       7      20      19      17      16      13      14      15       3       4       2      12      11      10       F                                   
    (180.41)                 2:08    5:56    9:17   14:33   18:17   25:03   32:00   38:23   39:58   48:53   51:36   54:32   58:23   63:17   66:09   71:36   74:57   80:44   89:33                                   
                             2:08    3:48    3:21    5:16    3:44    6:46    6:57    6:23    1:35    8:55    2:43    2:56    3:51    4:54    2:52    5:27    3:21    5:47    8:49                                   
 7  Reine-Marie Guillermic      1       6       5       4       2       3      15      14      13      16      17      18      19      20       7       8       F                                                   
    (165.19)                 1:49    5:53   10:48   14:19   19:08   22:53   27:14   30:17   32:41   37:23   42:29   49:07   53:58   62:10   66:14   70:40   83:31                                                   
                             1:49    4:04    4:55    3:31    4:49    3:45    4:21    3:03    2:24    4:42    5:06    6:38    4:51    8:12    4:04    4:26   12:51                                                   
 8  Gail Emery                  1       4       3      13      14      16      17      15       2       F                                                                                                           
    (94.22)                  1:52   17:15   20:54   39:23   42:59   48:06   54:25   65:05   76:18   80:38                                                                                                           
                             1:52   15:23    3:39   18:29    3:36    5:07    6:19   10:40   11:13    4:20                                                                                                           
 9  Edward Willmott             1       4       3      13      14      16      17      15       2       F                                                                                                           
    (94.11)                  2:05   17:36   21:15   39:09   42:57   48:07   54:27   65:07   76:35   80:52                                                                                                           
                             2:05   15:31    3:39   17:54    3:48    5:10    6:20   10:40   11:28    4:17                                                                                                           
10  Doris Nelson                1       6       F                                                                                                                                                                   
    (26.17)                  5:21   16:30   28:19                                                                                                                                                                   
                             5:21   11:09   11:49                                                                                                                                                                   
11  Vern Nelson                 6       4       2       3      12       9      10      11      14      13      15      17      16      19      18      20       7       8       5       1       F                   
    (18.17)                  6:03    9:40   13:59   18:23   23:09   32:31   41:33   46:41   55:24   57:37   60:16   65:39   66:24   74:07   76:19   85:43   89:33   93:01  100:14  106:33  108:11                   
                             6:03    3:37    4:19    4:24    4:46    9:22    9:02    5:08    8:43    2:13    2:39    5:23    0:45    7:43    2:12    9:24    3:50    3:28    7:13    6:19    1:38                   
12  Dan Chevrier               ??       F                                                                                                                                                                           
    (13.62)                    ??   17:38                                                                                                                                                                           
                               ??      ??                                                                                                                                                                           

Note: Some of the split times are off by as much as two minutes due to a 
      software issue with the timing units. However, total times are accurate.